Saturday, June 27, 2009

Yay Obama!

Okay, I know this is cheesy, but I am so happy Obama is President. It may just be those eight long years under Bush, but I'm just glad. Yeah, he doesn't do everything right, and he hasn't done everything I hope he'll do yet, but that's part of life in a democracy, really.

I've just been thinking about this all week because of his supposedly "testy" press conference earlier in the week. I loved it! My favorite part was when he responded to the question about whether pressure from the Pubs had made him "toughen" his stance on Iran (gee, people, could it be that the situation has changed? Also, could you actually compare current statements to ones made a week ago before you act like it's some huge difference?), when he said something about how McCain is passionate about foreign affairs, but only he, Obama, is President. That is right, Mr. President. It's just you, and how thankful am I for that? It is just you, not McCain, not Lindsey Graham, not Mark Sanford, and most importantly: not W. Thank you, Mr. President, and keep up the (mostly!) good work!

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