Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Welcome, Franken!

Well, in a day when Republicans irritated me to a great degree (Sanford, Palin outrunning Obama? Wtf? A rehashing of the stimulus money rejection in VA with a friend, Cheney, etc.), here is some terrific news! Welcome to the Capitol, Senator Franken! It's about time! Hooray for a 60-seat, fillibuster-proof majority! Now if we can only convince all the Democrats to do stuff, it will be a glorious time. Of course, to some extent that will be tough, but certainly easier now than it was without him. What great news.

1 comment:

Preston Hartman said...

Hallelujah! the Democrat party now has someone even more ridiculous than Schwarzenegger.

As for the 60 seat majority, I remember the Ds moaning about the dangerous lack of "checks and balances" when the Rs had both houses and the WH. I suppose that's off now, since everyone knows the Ds will only do what's right for the country.