Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sanford and Soulmates

Mark Sanford had an interview that came out today in which he claimed that the woman in Argentina is his soulmate, but that he's trying to fall back in love with his wife. What a dirtbag. Whether or not that's the truth - save it for behind closed doors. There's no way it's fair to his wife to have that wandering around in the press while they're supposedly trying to patch things up. If I were her... well I'd like to think, anyway, that I'd be gone. I like that he's not trashing his mistress, but you can speak respectfully of the one woman without being so incredibly disrespectful to your wife. This kind of stuff just makes me so mad.

1 comment:

Preston Hartman said...

As your surly new regular commenter, I would like do something that I know will occur only rarely: agree wholeheartedly with your post.