Friday, December 12, 2008

Top Political Scandals: No Plame-gate?

Chris Cillizza has an interesting post up today listing his top ten political scandals since (and including Watergate). I absolutely agree that Watergate is the biggest scandal of the last forty years in politics, but there is a lot in that list I can't agree with. Most notably, how is it possible that there is no mention of the whole Valerie Plame incident? That resulted in the indictment of a senior level White House official - the first time it had happened since the Grant administration well over a century ago. Although we still don't know for sure how high-reaching it was, it's still a pretty huge deal. What about torture, and Abu Ghraib? What about GITMO? What about the falsified evidence that Bush used as a basis for convincing us to invade Iraq? Am I just being overly biased and historically shortsighted? I don't think so. The Plame incident was a massive abuse of power that reached to the White House. Somehow, Blagojevich's crazy rantings and Spitzer's loose zipper seem completely inconsequential in comparison.

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