Monday, December 15, 2008

Blagojevich is... NOT Stepping Down?

So obviously this Blagojevich thing is a pretty ridiculous and borderline unbelievable scandal as it is. The guy sounds like he is a bit unstable as well as strikingly arrogant and corrupt. Still, though, once federal agents wander into your office and take you into custody, I think it's time to realize you've made a few serious mistakes. I hope he does sign the legislation to give away his power to appoint someone to the Senate seat he tried to sell, but I really have a hard time understanding how anybody could think that was sufficient. This and various other recent scandals just go to show how important it is that politicians understand that they are not above the law, and that they understand what the law is. I wonder if it's that these people were attracted to politics because of the power it would give them, or if the power somehow got to their heads and made them think they could get away with anything. I suppose it isn't an either/or situation, though, and that there could be other considerations as well. Still, I hope someone somehow talks some sense into Governor Blagojevich and convinces him to step down to save everyone the time, expense and hassle of an impeachment.

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