Thursday, July 9, 2009

And then there were three...

According to a post at The Mudflats, only three of the 1200 governors elected to a first term since 1900 have quit - McGreevy, Spitzer and Palin. McGreevy is the New Jersey governor who quit while coming out of the closet and admitting to an affair with the man he'd appointed his Homeland Security advisor, and of course Spitzer was having *ahem* affairs. This data makes Palin's random resignation appear all the more bizarre, but that's not what it got me thinking about.

For a century, nobody just quit as governor during his or her first term. Why is it suddenly becoming, if not commonplace, in the realm of possibility? Is it just because there's so much less privacy possible for public figures now, so everything ends up out in the open? Is it part of some greater, creeping moral turpitude that induces people not to live up to their commitments? Just seems so strange to have 3 in 5 years after having none for a century.

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