Sunday, September 7, 2008

Here's Hoping

That the most recent polling for McCain is just the convention bounce. Today is the first day in a long time that I've actually been somewhat afraid that he might win. Reasons I think that would be disastrous for America:
1) Supreme Court appointees. I've already written a post about that, so I won't repeat myself.
2) Foreign policy. I am terrified of McCain's temper and how that will end up influencing our foreign policy if he wins. He is notorious for blowing up at people all the time, and we all know he basically wants to bomb Iran and stay in Iraq forever. Who knows how far he'll try to stretch our already thinly stretched military?
3) He might die in office, and Sarah Palin would be a nightmare for more reasons than I can list, but especially her crazy culturally conservative views and her apparently somewhat inept experience as mayor of Wasilla (banning books? leaving a town of 5,000 $22 million in debt? Seriously?).
4) The environment seems to me to be the most important challenge facing our country and the world today, and I'm just not convinced that McCain is sufficiently out of the pocket of oil companies and corporate America to make this the priority it needs to be in our domestic policy.
5) Health care. 45 million Americans without health insurance is ridiculous. There is no excuse for that. McCain doesn't seem to think this is a problem.
6) Nation of whiners. I know the guy who said this technically has no ties to the McCain campaign anymore, but it still seems to be the attitude of the McCain camp, and who can blame them? They're a bunch of rich old folks who honestly don't have to worry about the crash of the housing market, the increasing cost of food or the increasing unemployment rate. So they don't really worry about it, and instead just plan to continue Bush's failed policies of trying to stimulate the economy by giving tax cuts to the rich.

1 comment:

Josh said...

You're forgetting:
7. McCain is an idiot.
8. If McCain is elected, then that means Obama was defeated, which means Americans are IDIOTS.

Also, McCain's total unsuitability as commander-in-chief is only partly betrayed by his temper. He also approaches foreign policy questions with an imperial and militaristic frame of mind. He's never encountered a war he hasn't wanted to escalate. That'll be fun for Lockheed-Martin and gangbusters for whichever of Cheney's former corporate minions has the contract for body bags, but not so great for the rest of us.

Also, you give too much credit to the rich folks by saying that they want to stimulate the economy by giving tax cuts to the rich. Since the evidence seems pretty clear that tax cuts to the rich over the past 7 years have an inconsistent relationship with economic growth, it should also be clear that the only thing that crowd is truly committed to stimulating is their own wealth.

Also, what do you think Obama should be doing to wrest the momentum from the forces of evil?